毛细水的存在对尾矿坝的安全稳定有一定影响,而温度、气压的改变会引起毛细水表面张力的变化,进而对尾矿砂中毛细水上升规律产生影响.通过试验模拟尾矿坝中毛细水上升过程,对长期(95 d)毛细水上升过程进行测计,记录当时的温度、气压、时间、上升高度等.建立分别考虑温度、气压及综合考虑温度及气压的毛细水上升规律的分析模型.结果表明:温度对毛细水上升的影响较气压大;在毛细水上升初期,温度、气压对毛细水上升规律的影响不大,但在上升后期其影响逐渐明显.这是由于毛细水上升过程中温度气压对表面张力的影响随着毛细水上升动力逐渐衰减变得显著所致.
The capillary water will affect on stability of tailings dam, and the surface tension will be changed along with temperature and pressure, which has a great influence on the regularity of the capillary water rising. Therefore, the temperature, pressure time and the height of capillary water rising were tested and recorded during a long term of 95 d. Power function was used to build the analysis model for considering the capillary water rising influenced by temperature and pressure. The results indicate that the temperature has a large impact on the capillary water rising than barometric pressure, and in the early time of capillary water rising, the temperature and air pressure have little effects on it, and in the latter part of capillary water rising, the influence of temperature gradually becomes obvious. Furthermore, the analysis also indicates that the dynamic of capillary water rise gradually decay makes the surface tension influenced by the temperature and air pressure became noticeable.
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