


采用石硫合剂提金法对高硫金精矿进行浸出试验,考察了SO 2-3、NH3? H2 O、Cu 2+浓度对浸出过程的影响。其结果表明:在磨矿细度-400目80%,液固比6∶1,SO 2-3浓度0.1 mol/L, NH3? H2 O浓度1.6 mol/L,Cu 2+浓度0.04 mol/L,Na2 CO3浓度0.1 mol/L,搅拌速度500 r/min,浸出温度40℃,浸出时间8 h的条件下,金的浸出率达到88%左右;浸出过程中加入SO 2-3,保证S 2-x和S2 O 2-3的稳定性,并减少因S单质、CuS和Cu2 S的沉积而阻碍浸金传质过程的影响;NH3? H2 O不仅调节浸出pH值,而且与Cu 2+形成[Cu(NH3)4]2+,促进金的浸出。

Leaching experiments were carried out on high-sulfur gold concentrate using LSSS and the effects of SO2-3 ,NH4? H2 O,Cu 2+on gold extraction were investigated.High gold recovery of 88 % is obtained when 80 % of grinding fineness is -400 mesh,liquid-solid ratio(L/S) is 6∶1,concentration of SO2-3 is 0.1 mol/L,concentration of NH3? H2 O is 0.1 mol/L,concentration of Cu 2+is 0.1 mol/L,concentration of Na 2 CO3 is 0.1 mol/L,stilling intensity is 500 r/min,leaching temperature is 40℃,and leaching time is 8h.SO2-3 is not only keeping the stability of Sx 2-and S2 O 2-3 but also decreasing the bad influence of hindering mass transfer process on leaching because of the deposition of S,CuS and Cu2S.NH3? H2O not only adjusts the slurry pH but also forms complex [Cu(NH3 ) 4 ] 2+with Cu 2+which is beneficial for gold leaching in the leaching process .


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