


对宣钢12种含钛高炉炉料的化学成分及熔滴性能测试结果进行综合分析,给出宣钢2号高炉(2500 m3)、3号高炉(2000 m3)、4号高炉(1800 m3)不同原料条件下最佳的炉料结构,并对3组炉料结构进行比较.分析认为,2号高炉熔滴性能最好的炉料结构为4号方案,S值最小为322 kPa·℃,3号高炉熔滴性能最好的炉料结构为5号方案,S值最小为786 kPa·℃,4号高炉熔滴性能最好的炉料结构为11号方案,S值最小为790 kPa·℃;3号、4号高炉使用的炉料碱度与2号高炉相比较高,这是造成3号、4号高炉炉料最大压差(Δpmax)值高的主要原因;2号高炉使用炉料的含铁品位较高,大于57%,且渣中的MgO质量分数较低,因此炉料在软熔滴落带渣量相对较少,渣的流动性较好,熔滴性能优于3号、4号高炉.

Experiments were carried out in the lab to analyze the chemical compositions of 12 kinds of titanium-contain-ing blast furnace burden and their droplet comprehensive performance of Xuan Steel in order to determine the best bur-den structure of Xuan Steel No.2 blast furnace (2500 m3), No.3 blast furnace (2000 m3) and No.4 blast furnace (1800 m3) under different conditions of raw materials, and the three groups of burden structure were compared. The re-sult showed that the best burden droplet performance was No.4 scheme for No.2 blast furnace and its S value was 322 kPa·℃. The best burden droplet performance was No.5 scheme for No.3 blast furnace and its S value was 786 kPa ·℃ and the best burden droplet performance was No.11 scheme for No.4 blast furnace and its S value was 790 kPa·℃. Compared with the No.2 blast furnace, the alkalinity of charge into the No.3 and No.4 blast furnace was higher which was the main reason for a higher maximum differential pressure(Δpmax)for No.3 and No.4 blast furnace. With high iron content in the charge and lower mass percent of MgO in the slag, the slag amount was relatively reduced in co-hesive dropping zone and the fluidity of slag became good. Hence, the droplet performance in No.2 blast furnace was bet-ter than that of No.3and No.4 blast furnace.


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