


利用自然界大量存在的木质素和经造纸工艺得到的木质素为原料,利用转鼓包膜法制备了新型的包膜缓释复合肥,并通过不同温度和 pH 值的静水实验探究肥料养分的规律,草莓的田间试验探究肥料的实际使用效果。实验结果表明,使用工业木质素包膜的复合肥,初期养分释放率为14.58%,28d 总养分释放率达58.12%,满足国标(GBT23348-2009)的要求,并且能够极显著地提高草莓的产量,具有良好的开发前景。

Industrial lignin was used as raw materials,which can be easily obtained by paper making industry,to make new kinds of controlled released fertilizers (CRFs),with the rotate drum.The releasing characteristics of CRFs were explored under different temperature and pH.Field experiment was conducted to value effect of CRFs on plants.Results show that releasing rate has reached 14.58%,and the accumulating releasing rate of 28 days is 58.12%.The quality satisfy the demand of GBT23348-2009,and this kind of CRFs can promote the production of strawberry significantly.


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