


由拉伸实验获得 E-玻纤增强复合板材的基本力学性能参数,为构建损伤分析模型及冲击有限元模型提供底层数据。通过弹性力学推导材料正交各向异性的本构关系,并对本构关系中的刚度矩阵进行数值解析,得到复合材料弹性本构方程;将结果应用于Hashin强度准则,建立以连续损伤力学为基础的正交各向异性损伤本构模型。将所建立的弹性及损伤本构关系赋予层合板三维模型,通过ABAQUS/Explicit软件模拟弹丸低速冲击GFRP板进行复合材料损伤力学分析,结果表明层合板内部损伤主要是分层和基体开裂,且层间脱层损伤面积远大于层内损伤,而各层内损伤模式中最主要的是基体开裂,其次是纤维断裂,而基体挤压和纤维挤压损伤区域相对较少。当层合板发生冲击变形后,冲击背部承受较大拉应力,微观上的损伤扩展演变到一定程度,基体开裂和纤维断裂会首先产生于GFRP冲击背面,而越靠近上表面损伤程度越小。

The basic mechanical properties of E-glass fiber reinforced composites were achieved through tensile test to provide reference data for the material model and numerical simulation.Composite elastic constitutive equation was obtained through orthotropic constitutive material by derivation of elasticity and the numerical a-nalysis of stiffness matrix in constitutive.The results were applied to Hashin strength criterion,establishing a continuum damage mechanics based orthotropic damage constitutive model.Created flexibility and damage con-stitutive model given three-dimensional laminates,then using the finite element software ABAQUS/explicit simulated the impact of the proj ectile through the GFRP composite laminates to achieve the established model of the application,and the simulation results were analyzed.Laminates internal damage was mainly delamination and matrix cracking and interlaminar delamination damage area much larger than the inner layer.The most im-portant damage mode of each layer damage was matrix cracking damage,followed by fiber fracture inj ury while the base extrusion and fiber extrusion damaged area was relatively small.When the bending deformation oc-curred,bottom withstood greater tensile stress.When the evolution of damage extended to a certain extent, matrix cracking and fiber breakage was first produced in the back of GFRP impact.Closer to the damage of the inner surface layer was relatively small.


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