


采用高压合成技术,制备出了热电材料AgSbTe2,并且研究了AgSbTe2样品微结构和高温电学输运性质.X 射线衍射测试结果表明,高压合成的AgSbTe2样品中含有微量的Sb2 Te3,电子能谱测试结果表明Ag、Sb、Te 3种元素分布很均匀.电学性能测试表明,在高压的作用下,AgSbTe2样品的载流子浓度增大;随着测试温度的升高,电导率降低,Seebeck系数增大.4 GPa高压合成的AgSbTe2样品在573 K温度下具有最高的功率因子(约18.1μW/(cm?K2)).

Thermoelectric materials AgSbTe2 were synthesized by high pressure method.The microstructure and temperature dependent electrical properties were studied.The AgSbTe2 samples are near single phase with the structure of NaCl.The result of X-ray diffraction indicates that the AgSbTe2 samples contain trace amount of Sb2 Te3 .The result of electronic probe shows that the three elements (Ag,Sb,Te)are evenly distributed.The Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistivity are measured from room temperature to 573 K.The results of elec-trical properties declare that the carrier concentration of AgSbTe2 samples increases with an increase of pres-sure,and the electrical conductivity of AgSbTe2 samples decreases with the increase of temperature while the Seebeck coefficient increases.The maximum power factor for the sample synthesized at 4.0 GPa reaches 18.1μW/(cm?? K2 )at 5 7 3 K.


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