


对陶瓷膜过滤丁二酸发酵液的条件进行研究.考察在不同压差下,发酵液的pH以及浓缩倍数对膜通量的影响,并对膜清洗条件进行选择.结果表明在0.3 MPa压差下,发酵液调节pH至4.5,可获得最大膜通量,浓缩到7倍最佳.菌体截留率达到98.37%,蛋白质去除率为89.67%,总有机碳下降约40%.而膜污染后先后用1%次氯酸钠,1%氢氧化钠+0.5%EDTA清洗,可以恢复膜通量.实验表明,可以将陶瓷膜用于分离丁二酸发酵液,有利于简化操作步骤,提高生产效率.

The conditions of ultrafiltrate succinic acid by ceramic membrane was researched.The influences of pressure, pH and concentration ratio of fermentation on the membrane flux were studied.The optimal membrame cleaning methods were chosen.The result showed that under pressure 0.3 MPa and the fermentation broth of pH 4.5, the maximum membrane flux was attained.The cell retention rate of 98.73% retained, the removal of protein was 89.67%, and the contain of the total organic carbon declined about 40%, respectively.For cleaning the contaminated membrane, its flux could be restored by using 1% sodium hypochlorite, 1% sodium hydroxide + 0.5% EDTA washing, in turn.This work shows that ceramic membrane could be used for separating succinic acid fermentation broth, which helps to simplify the operation steps and increase productivity.


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