



Both dilute nitric acid single stage extraction and BCR sequential extraction procedure were applied to examine the speciation of heavy metals in the sediments from tidal reach of the Jinjiang River, and the bioavailability of the heavy metals was determined. The results of single stage extraction show that the concentrations of Cu, Pb, Cr, Zn, Cd, Sb, V, Ni, Co, Fe and Mn were high in the middle of the river. The heavy metals exhibited higher bioavailability except for Fe and V in both the surface and core sediment. The bioavailability of most heavy metals in the core sediment varies smoothly except at individual depth. A modified BCR four?step sequential extraction procedure was used to obtain the speciation of 11 heavy metals in the surface sediments.The results showed that Mn, Ni, Cd, Pb, Cu and Cr presented higher bioavailability. Zn is mainly in the residual fraction at the downstream while mainly in the acid soluble fraction at upper middle river. The content of non?residual Sb at lower river is apparently higher than at upper middle river. The ratios of secondary phase to primary phase of heavy metals show that Cu, Pb, Cr, Zn, Cd, Sb, Ni, Co and Mn have different degrees of pollution in different samples.


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