


2013年9月采集洞庭湖区三口四水入湖口,东、西、南洞庭湖湖区以及出湖口沉积物,采用同位素稀释高分辨气相色谱-高分辨质谱法测定了沉积物中的二英( PCDD/Fs).结果表明洞庭湖沉积物中二英的浓度范围为153—7144 pg·g-1 dw (干重),小河嘴最低,虞公庙最高.对比国内外其他淡水湖泊河流二英浓度,洞庭湖污染程度相对较低.二英污染水平依次为洞庭湖湖区>出湖口>入湖口,湖区内污染水平依次为南洞庭湖>东洞庭湖>西洞庭湖.主要同类物为OCDD,贡献率范围为77%—97%.PCDD/Fs的污染水平比1995年下降1—2个数量级,但和2004年污染水平相当.沉积物中二英的含量与水的流速成反比.洞庭湖出口处PCDD/Fs浓度相比入湖口和湖区浓度处于中间水平,表明洞庭湖中的二英可能会随水流进入长江中下游.

Polychlorinated dibenzo?p?dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans ( PCDD/Fs) were analyzed with isotope dilution HRGC/HRMS in sediments collected from the west, east and south areas of Dongting Lake and the estuaries of the Lake in Sep 2013. The total concentrations of seventeen 2,3, 7, 8?PCDD/Fs in sediment samples ranged from 153 pg·g-1 to 7144 pg·g-1 dry weight.The lowest and the highest level of PCDD/Fs were detected in sediments from Xiaohezui and Yugongmiao area respectively. The PCDD/Fs concentrations in Dongting Lake were lower than those in sediments in other countries and regions. The ∑2,3,7,8?PCDD/Fs concentrations in sediments decreased in the following order:lake area>outlet>entrance, while it followed the order:south area>east area>west area in the lake sediments. The predominant congener was OCDD, with the contribution to ∑2, 3, 7, 8?PCDD/Fs ranging from 77% to 97%. The ∑2,3,7,8?PCDD/Fs concentrations in target area were one or two orders lower than those reported in 1995, but similar to those reported in 2004. The PCDD/Fs levels decreased with the increase of water velocity. The PCDD/Fs concentration in sediments collected from Dongting Lake outlet was in the middle level of all the sediments, suggesting that PCDD/Fs could probably flush into the Yangtze River.


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