



A batch experiment was conducted to study the characteristics of the sorption and desorption of Zn in sandy soil and sierozem in the arid regions. The results indicated that:(1) The adsorption amount increased slowly with the promotion of concentration of Znat low equilibrium concentrations. With the addiction of Zn in the solution, the growth rate of the adsorption amount increased. The higher organic matter, calcium, pH, etc. was the reason of higher adsorption amount of sierozem soil compared with sandy soil. (2)Within the presume scale,the adsorption isotherms of Zn in the two tested soils could be described by the Langmuir and Freundlich equations which shows extremely significant linear relationship with the test data, especially the Freundlich equation was fitted best. (3) The desorption rate is inversely proportional to the ability of adsorption of soil. Zn is difficult to be desorbed because of the high content of calcium carbonate and organic matter in two soils, which lead to the low desorption. The desorption amount of sandy soil is more than sierozem because of the lower pH in sandy soil. Therefore, there is higher risk of migration and proliferation of the Zn in the sandy soil compared with sierozem. The relationship between the amount of adsorption and desorption of Zn in soil could be simulated by the quadratic function. With the increase of adsorption amount, the rate of desorption in the two soil increased firstly and then decreased.


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