


为研究渔业养殖对水生生态环境中汞形态变化的影响,采用气相色谱?冷原子荧光法对浙江省舟山市六横岛海水样品中不同形态汞含量进行测定分析.结果表明,对于总汞( THg)、溶解态汞( DHg)和颗粒态汞(PHg),养殖区上浮水体与对照区上浮水体之间无显著差异(P>0.05).纵向分布看,底层水体PHg含量要显著高于中间层和表层( P<0.05),主要是由于沉积物向上浮水体释放大量颗粒物,而颗粒物本身对汞的吸附能力很强.对于上浮水体甲基汞含量分布,总甲基汞( TMeHg)主要以( PMeHg)的形态存在,且TMeHg和PMeHg在颗粒物含量较高的养殖区的含量要高于在对照区.但是,底层水体中可被微生物利用的溶解态甲基汞(DMeHg)含量在对照区(0.066±0.009 pmol·L-1)要显著高于养殖区(0.031±0.007 pmol·L-1)(P<0.05),这可能是由于常年养殖活动致使沉积物中大量有机物积累,有机物与无机汞离子络合,减少了汞的生物有效性,从而抑制了甲基汞的生成.

To investigate the influence of marine aquaculture on Hg species change, mercury species in sea water samples collected from Liuheng Island, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province were analyzed by using gas chromatography?cold atomic fluorescence spectrometry. The results showed that there was no significant difference ( P>0.05) between marine aquaculture sites ( MS) and references sites (RS) for total mercury (THg), dissolved mercury (DHg) and particulate mercury (PHg) concentrations in overlying water samples. For MeHg in overlying water, total MeHg ( TMeHg ) existed in the form of particulate methylmercury ( PMeHg) and they were higher in MS than RS. However, the dissolve methylmercury ( DMeHg) , which could be available in the overlying water, had the significant higher concentration in RS (0.066±0.009 pmol·L-1) when compared with that in MS ( 0. 031 ± 0. 007 pmol·L-1 ) . This was attributed to the complexion of Hg with organic ligands reduced Hg bioavailability to methylation bacteria, further leading to the decline of MeHg production.


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