



This study aims to explore how the daily life of E. davidianus affects the soil physical and chemical properties by analyzing water content, organic matter, pH, conductivity, drying salt content, hydrolysis nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium in soil of several typical habitats disturbed by E. davidianus activities. The results show that under the limited captive and semi loose state, E. davidianus activities reduced soil water content, increase soil organic matter content. The pH levels were raised by the animal activities. It alleviated the soil acidicity, but increased soil alkalization degree. E. davidianus′ activities raised conductivity value and drying salt content, and thus increased the degree of soil salinization. In addition, hydrolysis nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium in soil were increased by E.davidianus activities, leading to the increase of the plant available nutrient content in soil. Under the wild and semi wild environment with plenty of natural resources and strong capacity, high density of E.davidianus reduced soil organic matter content, while the low density of the wild population effectively slowed down the process of soil salinization.


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