


采集石河子市区土壤样品71个,测定其微量汞含量,系统分析了汞含量的空间分布,并对市区土壤汞污染水平和风险进行评价.结果表明,石河子市区微量汞含量变化范围为0.001-0.902 mg· kg-1,所采的土壤样汞含量均低于国家二级标准,但其平均值要比新疆土壤背景汞含量(0.017 mg· kg-1)高;土壤汞含量的总体特征分布以东北部的氯碱生产和燃煤电厂为中心呈现逐级递减趋势,市区东北方向汞含量最高,而以东南地区的汞含量最低.基于国家土壤二级标准的单因子污染指数法(平均值0.175)、地积累指数法(平均值1.539)和潜在风险指数法相结合能更直观地反映石河子市区的污染水平和潜在风险程度;土壤风险健康评价发现土壤汞经摄食途径进入人体的健康风险均低于正常水平.

Seventy-one samples of soil were collected from the urban area of Shihezi City,and the content of trace mercury was measured.Spatial distributions of the mercury concentrations were analyzed systematically.The contamination levels and potential ecological risks of the mercury in the soil samples were evaluated.The results showed that the mercury contents ranged from 0.001 mg·kg-1 to 0.902 mg·kg-1.Hg concentrations from all collected soil samples were lower than the Second Class value of "soil environmental quality standards",but the average Hg concentration was higher than the background Hg concentration (0.017 mg·kg-1) in the local soil of Xinjiang.The Hg distributions exhibited the following characteristics:Hg concentrations were the highest in the soil surrounding the central area in the northeast of the city,where chloride-alkaline production and coal power plant were located.Then,Hg concentrations gradually descended in the southeast of the city where the lowest Hg concentrations were observed.A comprehensive analysis using 3 indices,including the single-factor index based on the second-class national standard (with an average value of 0.175),the geo-accumulation index (with an average value of 1.539),and the potential ecological risk index,could more directly reflect the contamination levels and the potential ecological risks of the trace mercury in the soil of Shihezi city.The health risk evaluation revealed that health risks from mercury-contaminated soil through the ingestion pathway into the human body were lower than the average risk level.


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