


目的制备一种高效、复合型的油田采出水处理阻垢缓蚀剂。方法以二己烯三胺五亚甲基膦酸、磺酸基共聚物和钨酸钠为原料复配成复合阻垢缓蚀剂,通过静态阻垢试验和动态腐蚀试验,研究复合阻垢缓蚀剂的防垢和缓蚀效果与其质量浓度的关系,考察絮凝剂、杀菌剂及缓蚀剂等水处理剂对防垢效果的影响。结果在油田采出水处理中,阻垢缓蚀剂最佳质量浓度为30 mg/L,此时的阻垢率>95%,腐蚀速率为0.0696 mm/a。油田采出水中过量的絮凝剂及季铵盐1227杀菌剂会造成阻垢率降低,咪唑啉缓蚀剂对阻垢率有增效作用,异噻唑啉酮杀菌剂对阻垢率影响较小。结论该复合阻垢缓蚀剂生产制备简单,阻垢和缓蚀性能优良。

ABSTRACT:Objective To develop a new type of highly efficient composite scale and corrosion inhibitor for oilfield produced wa-ter treatment. Methods A composite scale and corrosion inhibitor was prepared using bis( hexamethylene triamine penta( methylene phosphonic acid) ) , sulfonic acid copolymer and sodium tungstate as raw materials. By the static scale inhibition test and dynamic corrosion test, the scale and corrosion inhibition performance were investigated at different mass concentrations of the composite scale and corrosion inhibitor. The influences of flocculant, corrosion inhibitors and bactericide on scale inhibition were studied. Results The scale inhibition rate was over 95% and the corrosion inhibition rate was 0. 0696 mm/a in the oilfield produced water treatment when the optimal mass concentration of the scale and corrosion inhibitor was 30 mg/L. The excess of flocculant and qua-ternary-ammonium-salt 1227 bactericide in oilfield produced water caused decrease in the scale inhibition rate. Imidazoline corro-sion inhibitor had synergistic effect on the scale inhibition rate, while bactericide isothiazolone had little effect on the rate of scale inhibition. Conclusion The composite scale and corrosion inhibitor had the advantages of simple preparation process as well as ex-cellent scale and corrosion inhibition performance.


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