


转杯法粒化属于干法粒化的一种,这种方法不仅回收了高炉渣的显热,而且节约大量新水,不污染环境.针对转杯法粒化的热态试验,分析了高炉熔渣破碎的粒化机制,研究了转杯边缘线速度和熔渣温度对渣粒平均直径和质量分布的影响.研究结果表明:随着转杯边缘线速度的提高,渣粒平均直径逐渐减小,渣粒向远离转杯的方向分布;当线速度超过6m/s时,渣粒平均直径的变化随线速度的提高趋于平缓;当熔渣温度在1 400~1 500℃范围内时,熔渣温度对渣粒平均直径和质量分布没有影响.

Rotary cup atomizer for slag granu]ation is one method of dry granulation. It is a process of recovering the sensible heat retained in molten slag, saving a mount of water, and not polluting environment. Hot experiments a-bout rotary cup atomizer for slag granulation were operated, and the mechanism of granulation was analyzed. The effects of linear velocity at cup's edge and temperature of slag on particle diameter and mass fraction were investiga-ted. The results show that with increase of the linear velocity, the particle diameter decreases gradually and the par-ticle is removed from the center of rotary cup. When the linear velocity increases to exceed 6m/s, there is little change in particle diameter. And temperature of slag has no effect on particle diameter and mass fraction in the slag temperature range from 1400 ℃ to 1500 ℃.


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