


通过150余炉钢的度验,指出了为着提高侧吹硷性转炉钢材性能应考虑下列几点: 1.侧吹硷性转炉钢的常温机械性能是完全符合而远为超过部颁标准甲类钢性能规定之最低数据。但由于钢中含氮较高,平均在0.008%左右,故而就钢材的应变时效、兰脆、应变硬化以及低温性能而言,显著地较酸性转炉钢及平炉钢为低劣。过去选取按平炉钢化学成分的规格,是不合适的,因为忽略了氮气含量的影响。试验提出钢的化学成分修改的意见。 2.钢中含氧量的多寡与成品非金属夹杂物的含量,当吹风深浅的程度不变时,在颇大的程度上决定于吹炼终点的炭分高低,且比较显著地影响着钢材的性能,今后应避免吹炼时过分的降炭、出钢后包中增炭以调整成分的操作。

A total of more than 150 experimental heats was tested, and the results pointout that in order to improve the properties of side-blown Bessemer steel, thefollowing facts should be considered: 1) Normal temperature mechanical test results of side-blown basic Bessemersteel are higher than the lower limits enumerated for group A, steels in the Stan-dard Specifications of the Ministry of Metallurgy. However, due to the highernitrogen content, averaging about 0.008%, such steel is obviously nonfavorable ascompared with acid Bessemer as well as basic open-hearth steels with respect tosuch properties as strain-aging, blue-brittleness and sub-zero behaviors. The pre-vious usage of chemical specifications of open-hearth steel to side-blown basicbessemer steel is evidently impractical, as the influence of nitrogen content in thelatter is unduly neglected. In the present paper, a suggestion is made for modi-fying the chemical specification of basic Bessemer steel. 2) Nitrogen and non-metallic inclusions noticeably affect the properties of steel.When the depth of blowing is kept unchanged, content of nitrogen and non-metallic inclusion depend, to a large extend, upon the amount of residuel carbonat the end point of blowing. The present paper further suggests that in the future,the practice of blowing to too low a carbon content with subsequent recarburizingin the laddle should be avoided.


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