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Atomistic simulation study of Zr segregation at the Ni3Al grain boundary

Liping ZHENG , Shi QIU , Liping YU , Huyong ZHANG , Bingyao JING , Douxing LI


The embedded atom method(EAM) is applied to calculate concentration distributions of Zr, Ni and Al at a Ni3Al-3 at. pct Zr grain boundary, and the Zr-induced distortion energies at the grain boundary, the bulk and the free surface. The calculated concentration distributions show that Zr segregation is present with Al-depletion and Ni-enrichment at the grain boundary. The reason might be that at the same zone, the Zr-induced distortion energy in the site of Al is always negative and lower than that of Ni, and that the Zr-induced distortion energy in the Al site at the grain boundary is the lowest among those at all zones.


Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Zero-Fluence and Low-Bombarding-Energy 63Cu-65Cu Sputtering

Liping ZHENG , Shi QIU , Yukui ZHOU , Risheng LI


A molecular dynamics simulation has been used to study zero-fluence and low-bombarding-energy 63Cu-65Cu sputtering. Calculations show that the isotopic ratios at both θ≤35° and θ>35°, and the total isotopic ratio increase when the bombarding energy decreases. This result might imply the existence of the bombarding-energy-dependent momentum asymmetry.



桂南 , 樊建人 , 陈松


本文采用直接数值模拟计算了Re=669,S=1.42强旋流中的颗粒运动特性.计算的部分流动条件依照SommerfeId & Qiu的实验条件进行模化.模拟的结果揭示了旋流近场的颗粒运动的浓度、速度的时均量和脉动值的统计分布特性.

关键词: 旋流 , 颗粒运动 , 直接数值模拟 , 统计特性

Improving glass-forming ability of Mg-Cu-Y via substitutional alloying: Effects of Ag versus Ni

Journal of Materials Research

Based on the best bulk metallic glass (BMG) forming alloy in the Mg-Cu-Y ternary system, we introduced Ag (or Ni) to partially substitute for Cu to improve the glass-forming ability (GFA). The objective of this paper is twofold. First, we illustrate in detail a recently developed search strategy, which was proposed but only briefly outlined in our previous publication [H. Ma, L.L. Shi, J. Xu, Y. Li, and E. Ma: Discovering inch-diameter metallic glasses in three-dimensional composition space. Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 181915 (2005)]. The protocol to navigate in three-dimensional composition space to land large BMGs is spelled out step-by-step using the pseudo-ternary Mg-(Cu,Ag)-Y as the model system. Second, our ability to locate the best BMG former in the composition tetrahedron allows us to systematically examine, and conclude on, the effects of a given alloying element. The large improvement in glass-forming ability in the Mg-(Cu,Ag)-Y system relative to the based ternary will be contrasted with the reduced glass-forming ability in the Mg-(Cu,Ni)-Y pseudo ternary system. It is demonstrated that the improvement of glass-forming ability requires judicious choice of substitutional alloying elements and concentrations, rather than simple additions of multiple elements assuming the "confusion principle."

关键词: bulk metallic-glass;shaped copper mold;amorphous-alloys;thermal-stability;ternary-system;casting method;p system;diameter;zr;mm

基于角点增强改进的TL D目标跟踪算法

孙保基 , 张葆 , 宋策 , 龙思源

液晶与显示 doi:10.3788/YJYXS20163109.0921

针对TLD算法的特征点无法有效表述目标问题,提出了一种基于角点增强改进的TLD目标跟踪算法。改进算法在跟踪模块加入了对目标表述能力更强,具有光照不敏感性和旋转不变性的 Shi-Tomas 角点作为跟踪特征点。跟踪器运行时,在角点经光流法跟踪和双向误差检测后,利用剩余的稳定角点定位目标窗口。对照结果表明,改进算法在面对目标抖动和形变时可以稳定跟踪;有效抑制因跟踪平滑点造成的漂移现象;提高了跟踪的稳定性。针对 TLD算法跟踪过程中因在线模板积累造成的计算量持续增大、实时性持续降低的问题,提出了一种依据相似度中值的模板判断删除机制。该删除机制在模板积累到设定阈值时运行,根据模板与当前目标的相似度,删除不再具备代表性的模板;调整模板空间并更新模板数目。实验表明,该删除机制在应对模板更新快、持续时间长的跟踪情景时有效降低算法计算量,实时性可提高约20%。

关键词: 目标跟踪 , TLD , 角点特征 , 在线模板



