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刘振伟 , 郭晖 , 尚成嘉 , 0 , 王晓香 , 缪成亮



关键词: Nb , 管线钢 , 焊接热影响区 , 析出 , 原奥氏体晶粒


邱俊 , 王建刚 , 孙杰

应用化学 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1095.2011.00367


关键词: 苯基丁酸 , 萘满酮 , 分子内Friedel-Crafts , 沸石H-BEA

Sintered Fe08%C10%Si04%Cu P/M Steel Preform Behaviour During Cold Upsetting

A Rajeshkannan , K S Pandey , S Shanmugam , R Narayanasamy


Cold upsetting experiments were carried out on sintered Fe08%C10%Si04%Cu steel preforms in order to evaluate their deformation characteristics. Powder preforms of 86% of theoretical density, with two different ratios of height to diameter, were prepared using a suitable die set assembly on a 10 MN capacity hydraulic testing machine. Sintering was carried out in an electric muffle furnace for 15 h at 1 150 ℃. Each sintered compact was subjected to incremental loading of 004 MN under dry friction condition till a crack appeared at the free surfaces. The experimental results were critically analysed, the stress as a function of strain and densification was obtained, then the work hardening behaviour was analyzed. It has been found that in the process of enhancing densification, strength and strain hardening is also induced during upsetting, but the work hardening behaviour is not homogenously enhanced against strain and densification.

关键词: cold upsetting;stress;height strain;densification;work hardening behaviour


徐汝军 , 李恩 , 周杨 , 郭高凤

宇航材料工艺 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-2330.2010.05.021


关键词: 微波测量 , 复介电常数 , 圆柱腔



量子电子学报 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5461.2000.04.006

根据经典的单粒子运动方程和加速电子产生辐射的规律,计算得到了静态均匀正交场 E0×B0飘移电子时产生自发辐射的谱函数.结果对具有任意速度量值的电子均适用.作为特殊 情况,讨论了非相对论(γ0=1)和强相对论(γ0》1)电子注入时自发辐射情况.

关键词: 正交场 , 飘移电子 , 自发辐射

Ball Milling Synthesis and Property of Nd0:7Sr0:3MnO3 Manganites

Shunsheng Chen Changping Yang Lingfang Xu Shaolong Tang


Strontium doped perovskite-type Nd0:7Sr0:3MnO3 ceramics were synthesized completely by high-energy ball milling raw oxides of Nd2O3, SrCO3 and MnO2. The optimal ball milling time and mass ratio of milling balls to raw materials are 4 h and 10:1, respectively. The grain size of as-milled Nd0:7Sr0:3MnO3 ceramics ranges from 51 to 93 nm, and the fine particles contain two phases of crystalline phase and amorphous phase. For the Nd0:7Sr0:3MnO3 synthesized by ball milling and sequent heat treatment, a remarkable colossal electroresistance (CER) effect is observed and the CER ratio reaches 900% at Curie temperature TC when the load voltage increases from 0.1 to 0.8 V.

关键词: High-energy ball milling , Perovskite structure , Colossal electroresistance (CER) , Microstructure defect


GUO Wenquan WANG Jingtang Laboratory of Rapidly Solidified Non-Equilibrium Alloys , Institute of Metal Research , Academia Sinica , Shenyang , China


Considering the availability and derivation of Roscoe's equation for absolute viscosity calcula- tion,the method to adopt λ_0 value,so-called λ_f,was proposed by experimentally deter- mining relational curve of the measured height,H,of metal melt vs logarithmic oscillation decrement,λ,extrapolating H into zero,if such corresponding λ value is taken.Experimental results show that the proposed method not only satisfies the availability of original equation but also eliminate the effects of:“end and slippage”,so as to improve the accuracy for liquid Cu and Sn examinations.

关键词: liquid metal , null , null , null

标量介子f0(980)光生过程γp → pf0(980)的研究

张豫 , 谢聚军 , 陈旭荣

原子核物理评论 doi:10.11804/NuclPhysRev.33.04.409

轻标量介子性质研究是当今中高能核物理研究中的热点问题之一,特别是质量低于1 GeV的标量介子f0(980)的内部结构一直存在争议,至今未达成共识.基于前人的研究结果,运用有效拉氏量方法,对f0(980)粒子的光生过程γp÷pf0 (980)进行了更深入的理论研究.探讨了两种传播子形式下得矢量介子ρ和ω交换的贡献,第一种是选择雷吉传播子,第二种是选择普通费曼传播子.第二种形式的微分散射截面理论结果与现有实验数据符合比第一种形式的结果好.基于此,计算了两种形式的总截面,两种形式给出的理论结果相差很大.另外,给出了γp÷pf0(980)÷pπ+π-过程的π+π-不变质量分布的理论预言,发现π+π-不变质量分布对于f0(980)于K(K)的耦合常数(gf0K(K))有很强的依赖关系,不同的gf0KK给出明显不同的π+π-不变质量分布.将来相关实验数据可以验证这些理论预言,并对矢量介子传播子形式和耦合常数gf0K(K)做出限制,加深人们对f0(980)粒子的认识.

关键词: 光生过程 , 轻标量介子 , 费曼传播子

Kinetics of Silver Dissolution in Nitric Acid from Ag-Au0:04-Cu0:10 and Ag-Cu0:23 Scraps

S.K.Sadrnezhaad , E.Ahmadi , M.Mozammel


Kinetics of dissolution of silver present in precious metal scraps in HNO3 was studied in temperature range of 26~85℃. Dissolution rate of silver was much faster than that of copper at all temperatures. Effects of particle size, stirring speed, acid concentration and temperature on the rate of dissolving of silver were evaluated. Dissolution rate decreases with particle size and increases with temperature. Dissolving was accelerated with acid concentrations less than 10 mol/L. Concentrations greater than 10 mol/L resulted in slowing down of the dissolution rate. Shrinking core model with internal diffusion equation t/τ=1-3(1-x)2/3+2(1-x) could be used to explain the mechanism of the reaction. Silver extraction resulted in activation energies of 33.95 kJ/mol for Ag-Au0:04-Cu0:10 and 68.87 kJ/mol for Ag-Cu0:23 particles. Inter-diffusion of silver and nitrate ions through the porous region of the insoluble alloying layer was the main resistance to the dissolving process. Results were tangible for applications in recycling of the material from electronic silver-bearing scraps, dental alloys, jewelry, silverware and anodic slime precious metal recovery.

关键词: Silver , null , null , null , null , null


郭文全 , 王景唐



关键词: 粘度 , viscosity , Roscoe's equation

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