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Control of Equiaxed Crystal Ratio of High Carbon Steel Billets by Circular Seam Cooling Nozzle

LI Pei-song , LU Jun-hui , QIU Sheng-tao , WANG Zhong-ying , ZHAO Pei


A circular seam cooling nozzle and its online control system have been developed to reduce the center segregation in high carbon steel billets by decreasing the superheat of the molten steel and improving the equiaxed crystal ratio based on the numerical results. An industrial experiment has been carried out on a 150 mm×150 mm caster to investigate the effect of the circular seam cooling nozzle on the superheat removal of the molten steel. The results show that the circular seam cooling nozzle can be used to control the casting temperature in a closed loop control system. The online control system can be effectively adapted to the variation of operating parameters. The casting lasts about 4 h and about 400 t steel is successfully produced in a continuous operation. The removal of about 14 ℃ superheat and the improvement of approximate 10% equiaxed crystal ratio can be achieved by the newly developed circular seam cooling nozzle.

关键词: circular seam cooling nozzle , high equiaxed crystal ratio , billet , low superheat



