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Analysis of Roll Gap Pressure in Sendzimir Mill by FEM

YU Hailiang , LIU Xianghua , WANG Chao , Park Haedoo


The acting force on the roll system of Sendzimir mill was analyzed using 3D FEM. The roll gap pressure distribution and the acting force between rolls S and O, rolls O and I, rolls O and J, rolls I and A, rolls I and B, as well as rolls J and B were analyzed. The results showed that the roll gap pressure mainly affected the roll surface layer, 50 mm for backup roll; the roll gap pressure distribution is of double peaks among the work roll, the 1st intermediate roll (IMR), and the 2nd IMR; the maximum value of the roll gap pressure between the backup roll and the second IMR appears on the edge of the barrel of rolls; the component force presents the inparacurve distribution. These are important for reducing the wear of rolls and the break of the backup roll and guiding for production.

关键词: roll gap pressure;Sendzimir mill;FEM



