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On the Thermodynamic Aspect of Interaction Between Dislocations and Highly Mobile Interstitial Solute: With Special Focus on Recent Progress in Pd-H System: A Review

Sheng Li , Yu-Zeng Chen , Yu-Ke Cao , Feng Liu

金属学报(英文版) doi:10.1007/s40195-016-0367-4

It is well known that, in kinetics, the interaction between dislocations and interstitial solute normally exerts strong solute drag effect on dislocations, leading to strong solution hardening of the metals. However, due to the low mobility of interstitial solute in many metals, thermodynamic aspect of the interaction between dislocations and interstitial solute is often unobservable and omitted. It will be shown in this article by reviewing the H-induced behaviors in metal-H systems, especially the recent progress in Pd-H system that, when the interstitial solute atoms are highly mobile and able to collect in the vicinity of mobile dislocations easily, the scenario will be remarkably different. The interaction between dislocations and these highly mobile interstitial solute atoms, in thermodynamics, will reduce the line energy of dislocations and will facilitate the generation of dislocations, leading to an increase in dislocation density and an enhanced strain hardening of metals upon plastic deformation.

关键词: Plastic , deformation , Dislocation , Interstitial , solute , Strengthening , mechanism , Thermodynamics

Induced Plasticity of a Brittle (La, Ce)-Based Bulk Metallic Glass by Surface Corrosion

Ji-Juan Liu , Ran Li , Lian-Xiang Fang , Ju Wang , Tao Zhang

金属学报(英文版) doi:10.1007/s40195-016-0368-3

Unexpected facture without any room-temperature plasticity severely limits potential structural applications of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), especially La-, Mg- and Fe-based ones. In this study, a simple free corrosion method was provided to improve the plasticity of a brittle (La, Ce)-based BMG by the introduction of high-density corrosion defects on the surface. The influences of immersing time in 0.1 mol/L H2SO4 aqueous solution on the surface morphology and mechanical properties of the BMG were evaluated. With increasing immersing time from 5 to 30 min, the degree of surface corrosion increased obviously, and the distribution of corrosion defects became more homogenous. In the samples, the yielding phenomenon and certain plasticity appeared up to 0.3% after the surface treatment. The yielding and plasticity can be attributed to easier nucleation of shear bands on the defect surface rather than on the glabrous surface. The results provided a novel method to improve the plasticity of BMGs.

关键词: Metallic , glasses , Corrosion , plastic , deformation , mechanism , Rapid , solidification , Microstructure

Interfacial Structures Governed Plastic Deformation Behaviors in Metallic Multilayers

Ming-Zhen Wei , Zhen-Hua Cao , Xiang-Kang Meng

金属学报(英文版) doi:10.1007/s40195-016-0377-2

In this work, we have investigated the mechanical properties of Cu/Ta, Ag/Cu and Ag/Nb multilayers with different heterogeneous interfaces. The results suggest that when individual layer thickness (h) is larger than 5-10 nm, the hardness/strength of three different multilayer systems has the similar length scale effect with decreasing layer thickness, while when h ≤ 5 nm, the three multilayer systems show remarkably different plastic deformation behaviors. The strength curves exhibit the variation trends of unchanging, softening and increasing corresponding to Cu/Ta, Ag/Cu and Ag/Nb multilayers, respectively. The microstructure analysis shows that three kinds of multilayers have totally different interfacial structures, which lead to the different strengthening or softening mechanisms.

关键词: Metallic , multilayers , Plastic , deformation , Interfacial , structures , Strengthening , mechanism

恒速拉伸过程中纯 Cu 晶界内耗峰的变化

戴勇 , 刘少民 , 孔庆平


研究了纯Cu 晶界内耗峰和模量弛豫在不同温度下恒速拉伸形变过程中的变化。考查了以下四种晶界弛豫参量的变化:(a)峰温,(b)峰高,(c)激活能,(d)模量弛豫强度。所得结果表明:在形变过程中晶界强度是变化着的,并且这种变化与断裂类型有密切关系。本文进一步肯定并扩展了我们以前在蠕变方面的工作。

关键词: 晶界 , internal friction , deformation , fracture


杜林秀 , 熊明鲜 , 姚圣杰 , 刘相华


以低碳微合金钢为对象, 提出了一种利用相变进行亚微米化的新方法. 通过大变形 量温变形和循环淬火相结合的方法, 使奥氏体晶粒细化到1—2 μm. 在一般冷速的连续冷却条件下, 得到的 铁素体粒径接近或超过原奥氏体晶粒; 若 冷却过程中在Ar3点以下施加较大的变形, 则可以获得尺寸为0.1—0.3 μm的亚微 米级铁素体组织. 大变形量的温变形使得原始 组织中的碳化物分布均匀, 促进了加热过 程中碳化物的溶解及超细奥氏体晶粒的形成; 晶界滑动促进奥氏体的晶界形核可能是超细奥氏体 形变诱导相变的主要机制.

关键词: 纳米晶化 , transformation , deformation , grain ultrafinement , low carbon steels


祝东 , 蔡其巩



关键词: 热激活 , deformation , strain rate , dislocation


刘建潮 , 郭蕴宜 , 邢中枢 , 师昌绪



关键词: Fe-Cr-Ni-Mn-N钢 , austenitic steel , deformation , martensite , hydrogen embrittlement





关键词: Cu-Cr合金 , dechromization corrosion , surface roughness , deformation




采用显微压痕方法研究了Si、Ge、GaAs和InP四种半导体单晶的变形与断裂行为.通过测量[100]取向单晶体面内的显微硬度、裂纹开裂的临界压痕尺寸以及断裂韧性, 分析了这四种材料力学性能的面内各向异性行为. 结果表明: 在压痕载荷的作用下, Si和Ge的塑性变形以剪切断层为主, 而GaAs和InP则通过滑移系的开动协调变形. [100]取向的Si、Ge、GaAs和InP四种单晶的面内显微硬度、弹性模量和断裂韧性表现出不同程度的各向异性. 裂纹长度与压痕尺寸间的关系表明, 与GaAs和InP相比, Si、Ge具有较小的临界压痕尺寸和拟合直线斜率, 这一临界压痕尺寸和拟合直线斜率的变化规律分别与材料的硬度和断裂韧性的变化规律一致.

关键词: 无机非金属材料 , semiconductor , microhardness , deformation , fracture toughness , anisotropy


何向明 , 戎利建 , 闫德胜 , 姜志民 , 李依依


采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)系统研究了在(Ms+30℃)温度下拉伸形变对Ti44Ni47Nb9$形状记忆合金应力诱发马氏体(SIM)相变行为的影响. DSC测量表明,SIM相变为一微观不均匀过程, 当形变量达到约14%时, SIM相变过程结束.在形变试样的第一次加热过程中, SIM的逆转变开始温度A's和相变潜热均随着形变量的增加先增加后略有降低; 而逆转变温度间隔随着形变量的增加略有增加,但和热诱发马氏体相比, SIM的逆转变温度间隔明显变窄.此宽滞后现象为一次性效应.在随后加热循环中的相变潜热、第一次冷却过程中马氏体相变开始温度以及第二次加热过程中逆转变开始温度均随着形变的增加而缓慢降低.

关键词: Ti-Ni-Nb形状记忆合金 , deformation

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